A Space to Thrive: Applying a Gender Lens to the Design of Public Spaces

WHIN are excited to be hosting a Gender & Urban Design Practice Forum on Wednesday 26 April, 2023 at the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL) in Northcote.

The forum will offer a fantastic opportunity to discover innovative and effective ways to incorporate inclusivity and equity for all genders in the design of our cities and public spaces.

The forum will feature presentations, panel discussions, and interactive activities that will provide valuable insights and practical tools for creating accessible, safe, and representative public spaces for people of all genders.

The forum will be suitable for attendees from organisations that are responsible for decisions about the design and use of public spaces, organisations that advocate for community health and wellbeing, and organisations that have spaces which are accessed and utilised by clients or community groups. The forum will also support ‘defined entities’ to meet their obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic), particularly in relation to Gender Impact Assessments.

Encourage your colleagues to join our practice forum on gender and urban design. With the opportunity to learn from experts and collaborate with peers, this forum is not one to miss!

Sign up now!