Economic Equality Discussion Paper (PDF)
This discussion paper examines economic inequality in Australia, and uses the ‘Let’s Talk Money’ program as a case study in addressing the challenges identified.
2021–2023 Evaluation Report for the ‘Let’s Talk Money’ Program (PDF)
This evaluation report conducts a comprehensive analysis of the LTM program’s effectiveness and impact outcomes.
Economic Equality Fact Sheet: NMR (PDF)
This resource presents the most recently available data about economic equality for the 496,191 women who call the Melbourne’s northern metropolitan region (NMR) home. The fact sheet is intended to inform and influence health planning across the region.
Financial Resilience During and After the Pandemic
As we emerge from the pandemic, it’s important to consider women’s financial security. See our step-by-step guide to build on your financial resilience.
Introducing ‘Let’s Talk Money’ (Video)
This video introduces the ‘Let’s Talk Money’ financial literacy program, explaining why it has been developed for refugee and migrant women, and describing the bilingual peer educator approach.
Let’s Talk Money Brochure (PDF)
This ‘Let’s Talk Money’ promotional brochure outlines why the program has been designed for refugee and migrant women and describes the bilingual peer educator approach which delivers financial education on topics such as budgeting, saving, tenancy rights, banking and debt management.
Let’s Talk Money Evaluation Report (PDF)
The independent evaluation report (left) and summary (below) of the 2018 ‘Let’s Talk Money’ program has been made possible through the generous support of Financial Literacy Australia (now Ecstra Foundation).
Let’s Talk Money Evaluation Report Summary (PDF)
Let’s Talk Money Workshop Request Form

The ‘Let’s Talk Money’ workshop request form is for migrant and refugee women wanting to participate in the program.