Training Modules on Offer

WHIN offers a series of training modules and consultancy services that assist individuals, organisations and communities to promote gender equity in their environment.

To request a quote or find out more, please contact WHIN’s training team by emailing

Download our Training and Consultancy Services brochure for a complete guide to WHIN’s training offerings. We can develop a training and consultancy package to meet your organisation’s needs.

Cover of the A4 WHIN Training consultancy services document

Click the training titles below to learn more about each offering.

Preventing Gender Based Violence Training

In order to prevent gender-based violence we need to stop it before it starts by promoting specific behaviours, attitudes and systems that support gender equality.

Preventing Gender-based Violence 101

This training presents how society can prevent gender-based violence by addressing the underlying causes. This evidence-based, foundation module covers the prevalence and impacts of gender-based violence, the link between gender inequality and the gendered drivers of violence, and intersectional approaches to key actions that individuals and organisations can take to prevent gender-based violence.

Active Bystander in the Workplace

This training supports organisations to create safe, inclusive and gender-equitable workplace cultures that contribute to preventing gender-based violence. It builds staff knowledge and confidence to be ‘active bystanders’ by speaking up when they see or hear gender-based discrimination and sexism in the workplace.

Gender Equality in the Workplace

This training introduces the key concept of gender equality and its impact in the workplace. It explores gender, gender inequality, the links between gender inequality and gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, and outlines workplace strategies to promote gender equality.

Gender Equality in the Early Years

This training supports staff to promote gender equality in early years settings including early education, childcare and maternal child health. It highlights the gendered nature of children’s lives, and the role that programs and services can play in challenging harmful gender norms and promoting equality from a young age.

Responding to Family Violence Training

Family violence is prevalent across our NMR communities and all professionals have a role to play in supporting the safety of victim-survivors. These training options are delivered by Northern Integrated Family Violence Services (NIFVS) which is auspiced by WHIN.

Introduction to Responding to Family Violence

This training is an introductory session to provide a baseline understanding of family violence, including prevalence, forms of violence and the Victorian regulatory context. It supports participants to respond to disclosures in a trauma-informed way and help victim-survivors to plan for safety.

MARAM Collaborative Practice

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) Collaborative Practice training is available to all professionals who respond to family violence in the northern metropolitan region of Melbourne in any capacity. This training focuses on both collaborative practice and the foundational aspects of MARAM that enable collaboration.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Training

Sexual and reproductive health literacy for health and community services helps to address barriers and enable access to services, information and support for women and gender-diverse people.

Refugee Women’s Health

This training supports health and community service professionals to provide culturally sensitive care to women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. It explores experiences of health and healthcare, and the wide variation between different groups based on factors such as gender, age, pre-migration experiences, migration status and settlement experiences.

Sexual and Reproductive Health in a Family Violence Context

This workshop supports health and community service professionals to build their skills, knowledge, and confidence to discuss sexual and reproductive health with their clients. It takes a rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health and demonstrates the links between sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence and gender inequity.

Social and Cultural Aspects of Female Genital Cutting

This training focuses on the social, cultural and clinical aspects of female genital cutting or circumcision (FGC) to build confidence, capacity and expertise of health and community service professionals working with women and girls who have experienced or are at risk of FGC.

This module forms part of the Family and Reproductive Rights Education Program (FARREP) professional development training for health professionals including general practitioners, nurses, and midwives.

Economic Equality Training

Structural discrimination in the economy and workforces leaves women and gender-diverse people financially disadvantaged. Financial literacy training aims to end inequality and advocates for an equitable and secure financial future for all.

Let’s Talk Money Community Workshops

Let’s Talk Money is an award-winning financial capability program which aims to provide women and gender-diverse people with evidence-based knowledge to make independent financial decisions.

Let’s Talk Money Train-the-Trainer Program

The Let’s Talk Money Train-the-Trainer Program is a Victoria-wide initiative that equips nominated workforce members with comprehensive training to effectively deliver the content covered by Let’s Talk Money. In this training participants receive in-depth instruction and guidance on how to deliver financial education sessions across a range of topics from financial rights, budget through to tenancy
rights and Centrelink services.

To request a quote or find out more, please contact WHIN’s training team by emailing

Download the Training and Consultancy Services [PDF] brochure for a complete overview of our training module offerings.